Saturday, August 15, 2009


I should really be doing homework, but I can't seem to keep my mind from wandering. I can hear the rain pouring outside, and I'm watching the gigantic flag at Macey's stretch out and ripple in the wind. There's been a lot of wind recently. These past few days have sure been interesting and surprising for me. The rainy and windy environment really seems to reflect what's going on in my mind. I feel so attached to the wind. It makes me smile and feel both happy and free. The rain however, sometimes keeps me from enjoying the wind, but at other times it can't stop me no matter how hard it tries.
I've had some really happy days. I know that Heavenly Father is watching over me and giving me strength to keep a smile on my face. I'm also having some days like yesterday, where I'm frustrated by the situation, I can't concentrate on my tasks, and I just wish time would stop.

I don't know whether time will bring Branden and me closer together or farther apart. For now, I just have to figure out if it would be better to slowly wean myself from time with Branden as we try to build a friendship, or if I should try to take a break for a couple of weeks before we try to adjust to the new "friend" roles that we have. The fact is, he is my best friend, and this week we've managed to stay friendly without being too close. If you have any ideas about what the best thing to do is, or any books to suggest to me, please let me know. Although the uncertainty is intimidating, I know that at this point, there are only good options ahead of me. I have my future at my feet, and it's in my hands.


Morgan said...

My dear, sweet Lizbet. Those are some tough decisions to make. I personally would take a little time off to settle yourself. But who knows what the "right" thing to do is - such a hard call. I wish I had a book of answers I could recommend. If you find one let me know! Heavenly Father definitely is aware of you - I am certain that you are one of His most choice daughters. You deserve the absolute best. I'm sorry things are so difficult right now, but it sounds like you are clinging to the right things! Love you girl - call me anytime, day or night.

Rachel said...

The best thing is just to seperate yourself from him. You will never move on if you don't. Things will only be drawn out and harder if you try to be too close to him. Get your own life away from Branden, develop your own friendships and figure out who Elizabeth is without Branden. I'm sure she is even more amazing!