Monday, September 15, 2014

Isla's Monthly Series Preview

One of my friends gave me a collage frame when Isla was born. It has a spot for a photo from each month, and let's be honest, it has been the main motivator for me to take a photo of her each month. I'm so thankful for that gift.

Part of my newfound lightroom skills means that I'm editing all of my photos from Isla's monthly series to have a similar style. While I'm really enjoying photos with vibrant colors, these are some of my favorites.... and they're soft just like she is. The first photo is from her newborn session... except it wasn't a session. I think I just started snapping shots of her during a nap in those early days home. The second is from our 4 month shoot, and has been my favorite shot until this weekend--when I did her 9 month photos. If anything, I believe I may have added some contrast to the photos, but they were pretty low on the edits. The last photo is from Isla's 9 month shoot that we did yesterday. Seriously, learning to use Lightroom has been like a paradigm shift for me, and I'm was able to edit this photo to match the mood of the other two. It still needs some fine tuning though... but not bad for someone who's only been editing photos for a week!

4 Months

9 Months


Heather said...

Hi Elizabeth! My name is Heather and I was wondering if you would be willing to answer my question about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1 AT gmail DOT com :-) I greatly appreciate it!

Elizabeth said...

Hi Heather, I'd be happy to. What's your question?