Monday, May 23, 2011

Grills and Blogs

Tonight Branden and I spent a quiet evening at (my) home. After a run to Pier 1 for a picture frame that I've had my eye for a week or two, we came back to my place and B offered to put together my new grill. I'm so lucky. We rounded the evening off with our favorite hot dogs and a round of blogging/reading.

The past few days have really been a challenge for us. So many things are up in the air right now with his job, and we're hoping to hear something back soon. It'll be interesting how it all pans out. I'm at a strange place right now. Although we aren't sure what the future has in store, I'm finally feeling settled down in my life in general. So much more now than I have for about the past year. I'm also back to reading blogs and it's just fantastic. Thanks to everyone who still posts on your blogs. I love getting to catch up on your lives (hopefully I don't seem stalkerish) but it's a great substitute for hanging out with everyone who's moved away, or who hasn't. The fact is that I don't do as good of a job now of spending time with you, but I cherish the 10 minutes I get to spending reading about your life. Good luck and keep on posting. Now, I'm going to hit the hay.

Night! (103 days)

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Elizabeth, I'm so happy for you. Congrats! And keep posting, because yes... it's super fun to stay up-to-date on friend's lives :)