Saturday, February 13, 2010

First semester without school...

Well, I know that I've been absent this past month, but there is a good reason for that... turns out that when I'm not in school, I don't spend so much time avoiding stuff that I have to or should be doing, and I don't seem to have as much time for following or writing blogs. In this past month, I've been spending a ridiculous amount of time with friends, I've re-watched the first season of LOST, and I'm working my internship. If you want to see what I've been up to, check out I wrote the newsletters for January and February. I write these to help the sponsors keep up with what's going on with the organization, with the children they sponsor in Guatemala, and with a sponsor of the month.

I'm working on getting things really moving with the organization, and I'm thankful that I'm getting this opportunity. Good news is that there will be some awesome posts about my travels that I'm going on in February. It's been a lot of work getting ready for them.

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