Thursday, July 9, 2009

Watch Ball!

Branden decided to go to Idaho the weekend of the 11th, so that we could go camping the following weekend. Because I knew that I was about to be missing my man for anywhere from a weekend to a week, I decided to figure out a date so that we could enjoy some quality time together.
Recently I've been trying to figure out how to help our relationship keep growing instead of stagnating. We can't really afford to get married right now, and we're still trying to work some issues out (ex.: he thinks it's really important to live your life so that you make a huge difference in the outside world, I think the outside world doesn't matter compared to the impact that you should make on your friends and family, and that there is no need to try to improve the whole world beyond that). They may not seem like huge things, but we are just a little concerned to what that could lead to when we are raising children.

Anyway, that was a tangent. With Branden working so hard, and me going to school full time while giving my heart away to the sailing club, we had fallen into the habit of seeing each other for a few hours every night and not ever doing anything together.

Branden loves baseball, and I remembered that once upon a time, we had talked about wanting to go to a game. Well, that sounded like a great date to me. I went to the Salt Lake Bees website and found out that they were playing on Thursday of that week (the 9th), and it was their Jimmy Buffett night. Well, as I'm sure you can guess, that meant that we couldn't miss it.

I slipped out of my night class a few minutes early, and he got off of work earlier than usual. It was a date that we actually split pretty well. For anyone interested, student lawn tickets only cost around $3.50 a piece. I paid for parking and gas, and Branden paid for the tickets and Dippin' Dots. I can't remember the last time I had those.

Of course the "Picnic Blanket" accompanied us. I don't remember much of the game (and I don't particularly care), but the quality time just brightened up my week. There wasn't quite enough Jimmy Buffett for our taste, but nevertheless, we really enjoyed ourselves.

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