Yesterday I was super anxious to get all of the leftover milk from daycare in the fridge. And then I just collapsed on the couch. Fridays are exhausting! This morning when I got up, I was going about my business trying to get the house in somewhat reasonable condition. Let's just say that it had looked like a hurricane hit it, with flooding and everything. While I was tidying up, I realized that I had forgotten to refrigerate everything that I had brought home from work. It didn't dawn on me then, but I think at that moment I decided that today was going to be about doing things that I needed for me.

I spent most of my morning watching photography lectures while I folded laundry and cleaned the house. I even got to those areas that I usually pretend don't exist when I'm cleaning. Isla napped relatively well, and Branden replaced the breaks and rotors on the car. I took that opportunity to snap a few photos while he did that, and I think they turned out well.
In the afternoon we all piled in the car (while Isla napped) and headed to a picnic for my work. I have to admit, two things stood out to me. 1) there are a LOT more parents with young kids than I imagined there were (I sometimes feel like I'm the ONLY working parent on the planet), and 2) the teams have changed more than I realized. I didn't recognize nearly as many people as I should have.
After the picnic, B and I went shopping at the outlets in Park City. Ever since I made a ring sling to carry Isla, my life has gotten incredibly easy. Even when she's tired, she'll be happy as a clam when I put her in the sling. She fell asleep twice this week while I carried her around shopping (side note--it's the middle of the night right now, and boy do I hope she doesn't wake up in an hour).
Once we got home, I put Isla down for the night, and worked on more cleaning and more laundry -- is it just me, or does laundry really never ever end? I feel like I'm washing whites every other day. Anyway, I finished up the day with a nice tanning session and a quick workout.... at midnight, and that brings me to now. All I have left to do is fold those darn whites, dry the cool colors in the washer, and wash the rest of them in the basket. I know I'm crazy but at this point it's just nice to finally have some time to myself.
I was thinking this week about how I really give my best to everything I do. It's never as much as I would like to give, and I usually carry around an intense guilt that I'm not doing enough. But while I was cleaning today, I realized something. My life is relatively balanced. It's not perfect, but I work hard and always try to put my family first. And I hope from now on, I'll offer no more apologies for taking care of those things that matter most.
On that note, enjoy a few shots from today that I took and edited instead of making food (I gotta have some time to myself, right? After all, that's what beef jerky, yogurt, fast food, work picnics, and eggs are for)

Current September Challenge count is 19. Until next time.