Friday, November 9, 2012

Get Fit Fridays - Week 3

 This week was a better one for me. I was pretty motived. Still... I had trouble saying no to the french toast that my coworker got for me as a surprise. I did make and freeze a few home-made meals though, and I did make my 3 meal goal. Stay tuned for my recipes over the next few weeks (I have to take pictures when I thaw them). I also reached my first reward point! How exciting. Time to schedule a pedicure.
Current weight to lose: 16.6% of Bodyweight - Reward!

Goals for the week: Take Finn on actual walks 3 mornings this week. It's something I one did daily, but since our first snow of the year, it's more difficult. I may actually have to buy him some snow booties. This fits in with the Primal Blueprint rule: Move frequently at a slow pace. We'll see how the slow pace thing works when I'm freezing.

Motivation: (updated)
% to lose - Reward
17% - Pedicure - 11/09
14% - Hair Cut
11% - Nails
7%   - New make up
4%  - Massage
0%  - Shopping Spree


Friday, November 2, 2012

Get Fit Fridays - Week 2

Ok... I know, I know. I skipped a week. But in my defense, it took me two weeks to get through the book. I'm not sure I agree with everything (grain is a poison to humans?), but a lot of the other topics addressed in the book make sense. The fact of the matter is that processed foods mimic natural compounds, but they don't function the same.

Also, I really had trouble giving up the baked goods brought to work for team breakfast and the Halloween candy sitting around the office. Hopefully I'll be a little better this week. I'm already noticing a difference in the way my clothes fit and I can't wait for them to be even looser!

Current weight to lose: 17.8% of Bodyweight

Goals for the week: Record 10 primal recipes and/or adjustments to family recipes. Make 3 of these recipes and save enough to freeze for future meals.

Motivation: (updated)
% to lose     -     Reward
       17%     -     Pedicure
       14%     -     Hair Cut
       11%     -     Nails
         7%     -     New make up
         4%     -     Massage
         0%     -     Shopping Spree

What are the challenges that you have been facing when it comes to your goals? How are you overcoming them?