Friday, February 27, 2009


K, so I was bad this morning and actually took some time out of my schedule (time I don't have) to read my friends' blogs. And when I read Ashley's it looked so interesting, I decided to try. Of course it became interesting enough to post. What you do is type your first name and needs into google (ex. "elizabeth needs") with quotes, and post the first ten things you get.

1. Elizabeth needs protection - according to CBS. Not sure what I'd need it from though. Other than homework.

2. Elizabeth needs loving - according to Yale Daily News.

3. Elizabeth needs the fashion police - talking about Queen Elizabeth, but these past few days I have too!

4. Elizabeth needs to stomp that Latin out - The Huffington Post talking about dancing. I want to dance.

5. Elizabeth needs a brewskie - Once again, talking about Queen Elizabeth.

6. Elizabeth needs a home! - So true.

7. Elizabeth needs to wear a second shoe - yea.... that's usually not my problem.

8. Elizabeth needs me to put something in the dryer - Always

9. Elizabeth needs a nuk - not sure what that is

10. Elizabeth needs Frank - what a way to go out. If anyone's actually ever met a Frank, let me know.

Haha. So I'll put a real post up sometime soon. Maybe on Sunday. I just gotta get caught up with my homework!