Saturday, January 21, 2012


New Years Resolutions:

  1. I know... I know, I always say I will... but for real, I'm going to blog more (and post the 4 drafts that I haven't actually posted for January).
  2. By the end of the year, I want to make sure the house is clean before I go to bed.
  3. Learn to eat right - I got into great shape for my wedding, and then decided I would relax a little with my food. Here I am 15 lbs heavier and eating sweets all day long. That's something that I'm going to change.
  4. Save enough money for an emergency fund and pay off half of our student loans.
  5. Finish my Thank You cards for the wedding. They're coming!
  6. Take more photos.
  7. Take control of my career.

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